Monday, June 8, 2009

I had a dream last night/actually more this morning that was so involving that I slept really late. These days I usually only sleep late when I'm being entertained by a dream.
It involved being sexually harassed/molested by a South American Jesuit, killing someone who tried to take Gracious* hostage, talking to Dana Vigran in Spanish, and trying to get Francesca a job at Taxi Dogs.
Right now I sort of feel hungover from all that dream action.
I'm on the boat on a Monday, at noon, by myself. I can imagine living here really well, which is great since I'll be moving here within the month. I think that Gracious will actually dig it. It's not as dark as it is in midwinter, when we all are deprived of light SO SHE WILL JUST HAVE TO DEAL.
Summer freedom is dangling just INCHES (days?!) away from my eager fingertips.

*my cat

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